( Pp. 180-182)

More about authors
Alieva Elizaveta Andreevna Dolzhnost: Glavnyy ekspert. Mesto raboty: Moskovskiy Issledovatelskiy Centr. Podrazdelenie: otdel lingvisticheskih issledovaniy
Moscow Research Center
Information and telecommunication networks (including the Internet) are used by intruders as a means of committing a number of criminal acts, including contactless depraved actions against minors. The author of this article has set and achieved the following objectives: 1) to illustrate the mechanism of committing depraved actions with the help of the Internet; 2) list the main methods of psychological attack of an intruder on a minor; 3) identify problematic issues in the qualification of debauchery; 4) to note possible ways of their solution. The author came to the following conclusions: the commission of the unlawful acts in question using the Internet is characterized by an increased public danger and requires a separate legislative fixation in the form of a qualifying feature. It is noted that it is inadmissible to equalize non-violent contactless attacks on the sexual inviolability of minors under the age of twelve and rape or violent acts of a sexual nature by applying a note to Article 131 of the Criminal Code. This article will be useful for persons who study the disciplines "Criminal Law", "Fundamentals of Criminal Qualification", "Criminology".
How to Cite:
Alieva E.A., (2017), INTERNET AS A MEANS OF PERFORMANCE SEXUAL ABUSE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 180-182.
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