Corruption manifestations as a threat to the sovereignty of the Russian Federation
( Pp. 48-51)

More about authors
Vorobeva Svetlana V. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent; docent kafedry ugolovnogo prava i processa Instituta prava i nacionalnoy bezopasnosti
Institute of Law and National Security FSBEI HE “Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin” Vorobyov Artem Victorovich Dolzhnost: assistent. Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovnogo prava i processa.
Tambov state University named after G. R. Derzhavin
The article deals with the influence of corruption on state sovereignty. High corruption component in the society radically undermines the economic security of the state, financial, economic, political, legal independence and as a result undermines the state foundations and sovereignty. Such problems have remained relevant to date, as the state is called upon to be a self-sufficient actor to address both internal and external functions. The article analyzes the impact of corruption as a negative socio-political and economic phenomenon on state sovereignty The author sees the solution of the considered problems in the search for effective mechanisms to strengthen Russian sovereignty and counter corruption threats. It is concluded that systemic corruption significantly undermines and destabilizes the functioning of the state apparatus, neutralizes economic stability, thereby reducing the standard of living of the population, reducing the degree of security and the rule of law and the availability of civil rights and freedoms.
How to Cite:
Vorobeva S.V., Vorobyov A.V., (2015), CORRUPTION MANIFESTATIONS AS A THREAT TO THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 48-51.
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