( Pp. 80-83)

More about authors
Kudryavtseva Larisa V. Associate Professor of the Department of International Private and Business Law
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
Krasnodar, Russian Federation Shcherbakov Alexandr Valerievich student.
Kuban state agrarian university named after I.T. Trubilin Bagadenko Maria Olegovna studentka.
Kuban state agrarian university named after I.T. Trubilin
This article deals with the problem of collision regulation of inheritance relations complicated by a foreign element. Attention is paid to issues related to establishing the legal qualification of inherited property and its composition, the grounds for transferring inherited property, the procedure for opening an inheritance, persons called for inheritance, the state’s right to inherit property that has been defaced, the procedure for acquiring inheritance, inheriting certain types of property, and limits to the heirs ’duty to pay debtor’s debts . The analysis of such fundamental acts on inheritance as the Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Cases of January 22, 1993, the Washington Convention on the Uniform Law on the Form of International Testament of October 26, 1973, the Hague Convention on International Governance property of the deceased persons dated October 2, 1973. Summarizing the above Convention, it is concluded that the applicability of the law depends directly on the composition of the inheritance. On this basis, the authors believe that the problem of conflict of laws of hereditary relations is one of the most urgent and complex today in private international law.
How to Cite:
Kudryavtseva L.V., Shcherbakov A.V., Bagadenko M.O., (2019), CONFLICT REGULATION OF INHERITANCE RELATIONS COMPLICATED BY A FOREIGN COMPONENT. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 1 => 80-83.
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