Countering Information Terrorist Threats as an Important Direction of National Security of the State
( Pp. 222-224)

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Tarchokov Beslan Alekseevich Police Colonel, Cand.Sci.(Econ.), Head of the Department of Internal Affairs in Special Conditions, North Caucasian institute of professional development (branch) Krasnodar university Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia Zaurbi L. Shkhagapsoev Dr.Sci.(Law), Professor, Police Colonel, Head of the Institute, . Hirsch Index 15
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
For modern Russia, the problem of information terrorism is quite a pressing issue, given that information, its collection, processing, transfer and storage have an extraordinary impact on political, social and spiritual life. In addition, information capacity has become such an effective tool for achieving the criminal objectives of powerful structures that threaten the national security of the State that it requires increased efforts and improved mechanisms to counter it. The main purpose of terrorism, as is known, is to achieve a wide public resonance and that it be learned (heard) as much as possible by the "people" and, of course, by the authorities - against whom threats and attacks are directed. As a result, there is a sense of fear and insecurity among the masses, and many are generally prone to panic, which inevitably leads to a loss of confidence in power, resulting in political instability. However, information terrorism has a special ability to influence public authorities through the use of communications to achieve its criminal objectives.
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Reference list:
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