Transformation of the State Security and Law Enforcement System in the Context of the Introduction of Digital Financial Instruments
( Pp. 219-226)

More about authors
Andrey A. Eltsin
Academy of management of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of the study is to summarize the practice of the world experience in the use of centralized and decentralized finance. The article provides an analysis of the regulatory legal regulation of the activities of states to implement a system of digital circulation of finance. The article assesses the risks of introducing digital finance to increase the crime rate in various countries, and also presents the author's interpretation of the concept of digital sovereignty.
How to Cite:
Eltsin A. A. Transformation of the State Security and Law Enforcement System in the Context of the Introduction of Digital Financial Instruments // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2023. Vol. 19. № 6. P. 219-226. (in Russ.) EDN: WANXGC
Reference list:
Kiselyov A. Is there a future for digital currencies of central banks? Analytical note // The Bank of Russia. 2019. 23 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of application: 11.12.2023).
Coeuré, B., Loh, J. (2018). Central Bank Digital Currencies. Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures BIS Report. 34 p.
Edition FINMA du 16 fevrier 2018. —Access mode:, free of charge. (accessed 11.12.2023).
Morhat P.M. Cryptocurrency in the bankruptcy estate of a bankrupt debtor. Zakon i pravo, 2019, №. 4, pp. 19–22. (In Russ.).
Petrova, E.E., Blanche, B.De.T.D. Analysis of the concept of digital currency / Petrova, E.E., Blanche, B.De.T.D. // Innovation and investment foundation for the development of the economy of society and the state, St. Petersburg. —2021. —pp. 71-77.
centralized and decentralized finance, digital currencies, fiat money, stablecoins, digital sovereignty..

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