Particularities of Remuneration of Medical Workers in Continental European Countries
( Pp. 170-175)

More about authors
Irina B. Omelchenko
«All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor» of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Inga A. Zlatogure
«All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor» of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of this article, which opens the series of articles devoted to the study of the experience of remuneration of medical workers in foreign countries, is the detailed study of the experience of remuneration of medical workers in continental European countries. The healthcare sector plays an important role in any country in the world, as it sets as its task socially significant goals—maintaining or improving health through the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, restoration or treatment of diseases, ailments, injuries and other physical and mental disorders of people. The study revealed, that when choosing a mechanism for setting wages in continental European countries, it is possible to use the following methods: establishing a minimum wage and determining its structure; introduction of certain forms of payment; indexation of wages and implementation of measures to prevent excessive growth, which vary depending on the socio-economic characteristics of the country. It is necessary to keep in mind the institutional features of the labor market in each country: mechanisms that are effective in some countries may be completely ineffective in others.
How to Cite:
Omelchenko I. B., Zlatogure I. A. Particularities of Remuneration of Medical Workers in Continental European Countries // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2023. Vol. 19. № 6. P. 170-175. (in Russ.) EDN: ROHOJW
Reference list:
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remuneration, foreign experience, medical worker, France, Germany, Switzerland..

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