Intellectual Property Objects of Educational Organizations on Digital Platforms
( Pp. 267-273)

More about authors
Elmira Sh. Shaimieva
Kazan Innovation University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEUP)
Kazan, Russian Federation Guzel I. Gumerova
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Digitalization of educational organizations, their interaction with digital platforms in the digital economy has led to the development of the number of intellectual property objects, their diversity, represented on digital (educational) platforms. Purpose: to update the research topic on the basis of a review of works; to diagnose intellectual property objects of educational organizations arising in the process of digitalization of educational activities, their interaction with digital platforms of federal publishing houses; to keep records of intellectual property objects of educational organizations in the Scientific Electronic Library. Methods: analysis, synthesis, classification, comparative analysis. Results of the work: the relevance of the study with the focus on the digitalization of educational organizations in terms of the formation of intellectual property objects is confirmed; five types of intellectual property objects are diagnosed, which are the result of the activities of the authors-employees of educational organizations with federal digital (educational) platforms, three of which are not taken into account in the Scientific Electronic Library. All five types of intellectual property objects have different technical conditions for use in the educational process, different composition of copyright holders. Practical significance: new types of intellectual property objects that have not been registered in the Scientific Electronic Library and have the potential for accounting can be used in the preparation of startups on the platform of the National Technology Initiative, specialists in the field of creative industries. Accounting of intellectual property objects in the process of digitalization of educational organizations is one of the target indicators of this process.
How to Cite:
Shaimieva E. Sh., Gumerova G. I. Intellectual Property Objects of Educational Organizations on Digital Platforms // ECONOMIC PROBLEMS AND LEGAL PRACTICE. 2023. Vol. 19. № 3. P. 267-273. (in Russ.) EDN: DJPOWO
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digitalization of educational organizations, digital platforms, intellectual property objects, training of specialists in creative industries, digital economy..

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