Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №4 2018
Issue №4 2018
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-422 Prev Next
II INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE “TAMBOV LEGAL READINGS NAMED AFTER F.N. PLEVAKO "(24-27 MAY 2018) Review of International scientific conference «F. N. Plevako Tambov Legal Readings» (to the 175th anniversary F. N. Plevako) Shunyaeva Vera A. Zelepukin Roman Valerevich Thoughts of optimization of modern criminal policy of Russia Revin Valeriy Petrovich Preservation of social communications as one of conditions of successful resocialization of convicts Solovyov Ivan Nikolaevich The effectiveness of punishment in the mechanism of legal regulation: theoretical and criminological analysis Yeltsov Vladimir N. Shunyaeva Vera A. Personality in the right-realization process Belyanskaya Olga Viktorovna Some features of the procedural form of the statement of claim in civil proceedings Zolotukhin Alexander Dmitrievich Volchikhina Lyudmila Anatolievna. ENSURING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS DIRECTION OF ECOLOGICAL FUNCTION OF THE STATE Zakharov Alexander Vyacheslavovich Popov Alexander Gennadevich Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the system of sources of Russian law Sadokhina Nataliya Evgenievna LEGAL ASPECTS SECTION OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATIONS OF SPOUSES Ivanova Nelli A. Satina Elvira Alexandrovna The concept and signs of abuse of power as a negative manifestation of state-legal life: the theoretical and industrial aspect Popova Nadezhda A. Podkovyrov Evgeniy Alexandrovich THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AS A LEADING FACTOR IN STRENGTHENING THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATE Vorobeva Svetlana V. Crypto currency: the evolution of formation and the prospect of development Plotnikova Tatiana Vladislavovna Harin Vadim Vitalievich Applied swimming as a means of quality improvement physical training of future specialists in the field of law and national security Fetisov Alexander M. Paramonov Andrej V. Prospects for the regulation of lobbying activities Zelepukin Roman Valerevich Automation of control and supervisory activities: theory and practice Lipuntsova Anna Vladimirovna THE PLACE AND ROLE OF VOLUNTEERING IN CUVUL SOCIETY Glazkova Elena Alekseevna About approaches to determination of criteria for evaluation of efficiency of prevention of crime in Russia Revina Valeria Valerievna 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings MULTAN CASE IN THE CONTEXT OF CUSTOMARY LAW Sushkova Yuliya N. MODERN VIEW OF SOME ASPECTS OF THE FORMATION OF THE SYSTEM OF PREVENTION OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR BY MINORS IN RUSSIA IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Pervozvansky Valeriy B. Silenkov Viktor I. HABITS AND THEIR PLACE IN THE MECHANISM OF LEGAL BEHAVIOR OF THE PERSON Filimonova Anastasia I. Avdeev Danila Alekseevich THE UNCERTAINTY OF THE LEGAL STATUS OF "INFORMANTS" FOR THE REWARD IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Sukhov Eduard V. PRINCIPLES OF LEGAL SELF-DEFENSE: CONCEPT, SYSTEM, FILLING Uzdimaeva Natalya I. TO THE PROBLEM OF DEVELOPMENT OF LEGAL LITERACY AND LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE CADETS OF HIGHER MILITARY EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS Sergey P. Zhdanov Kuznetsova Natalia Victorovna Skryachev Alexander M. ACTIVITIES OF BODIES OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF KABARDINO-BALKARIA DURING THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Nikolay P. Golyandin Mashekuasheva Margarita Khasanbievna To a question of a concept and signs of legal institutes Belyayeva Galina Serafimovna Kuzmenko Valentina I. Umarova Amala Aliyevna 3. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law Problems of assessing the effectiveness of local self-government Rykov Anatoly Nikolayevich Decision of the Supreme Court of Canada on secession of Quebec Safonov Vladimir E. Miryasheva Ekaterina Vladimirovna FORMATION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL MODEL OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERALISM AND ITS BASIC PRINCIPLES Platonov Vladimir M. MUNICIPAL POLICE (POLICE PUBLIC SECURITY) TO ATTEMPT OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW EXPERIMENT Zagaynova Gohar Grantovna Constitutional Risks of Russia's recognition of the priority of an International Treaty before a National Law and ways of overcoming them in the Doctrine of the Constitutional Identity of the State Popova Iuliia Yurievna Application of the constitutional principles of local selfgovernment by the Russian courts Popova Svetlana Pavlovna 4. CIVIL LAW; ENTREPRENEURIAL LAW; FAMILY LAW; INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF COOPERATION OF THE PARTIES UPON TERMINATION OF THE OBLIGATIONS AND AFTER THE TERMINATION Panchenko Polina Valentinovna Frolova Evgenia Evgenevna Features of common property in an apartment building in the law of Germany and Russia (comparative research experience) Permyakov Maksim A. REORGANIZATION OF THE STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE: IN SEARCH OF OPTIMAL LEGAL CONSTRUCTIONS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF RUSSIAN POST FSUE) Pavlov Alexander Olegovich Ilina Elena Alexandrovna. Legal concept of “investment” through the prism of the concepts of “property”, “intellectual property”, “capital” etc Akhmadova Maryam Abdurakhmanovna 5. Financial law; Tax law; Budgetary law Initial (maximum) price as essential condition of the government (municipal) contract Gromenko Anastasija Alekseevna Miroshnik Svetlana Valentinovna Legal bases of investment of temporarily available funds of the public company, state corporation and state company (on the example of separate economic entities): short review Voykova Natalia Andreevna CRIMINAL BANKRUPTCY AS ONE OF THE SECTORS OF THE SHADOW ECONOMY Orlova Lyubov Alexandrovna 6. Land law; Natural resource law; Environmental law; Agrarian law Ecological and legislative profile of the main pipeline transport facilities project documentation Isakova Anna 7. Corporate law; Energy law LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND POTENTIAL OF RUSSIAN-KOREAN COOPERATION IN INVESTMENTS IN ENERGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE Ksenia M.Belikova 8. Criminal law and criminology; Criminal enforcement law OTHER CRIMES CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THE SEVERITY OF BODILY HARM Kazakova Vera A. ABOUT VIOLATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUALITY THE RUSSIAN CRIMINAL LAW Smirnov Alexander M. THE SOCIAL ROLE OF THE DEPRIVATION OF FREEDOM Anfinogenov Vasily A. SOCIAL AND LEGAL VALUE OF PUNISHMENT OBJECTIVES AS A DEPRIVATION OF FREEDOM Anfinogenov Vasily A. Features of the identity of minor convicts: Social and legal aspect Drozdova Elena Anatolievna Zhilyaev Rustam Muhamedovich Interaction of units of the educational colony as a factor of prevention of crimes among juvenile convicts Gnedova Natalya P. CRIMINOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF ABSENCE OF SEXUAL EDUCATION AND EDUCATION IN RUSSIAN SCHOOLS Smirnov Alexander M. To a question of involvement of minors in criminal acts Tengizova Jeanne Adalbievna Leila A. Gelyakhova RUSSIAN LEGISLATION ABOUT PUNISHMENT ASSIGNMENT TO THE MINOR FOR MULTIPLE CRIMES: DEVELOPMENT HISTORY IN THE 19TH CENTURY Bespalov Roman Viktorovich Stupnitsky Alexander Ivanovich Activity of territorial bodies of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia on transport on prevention and suppression of offenses of minors on transport Bocharnikova Lyudmila Nikolaevna SOME PECULIARITIES OF COUNTERACTION TO EXTREMISM IN THE FRAMEWORK OF INDIVIDUAL - PREVENTIVE WORK WITH ADOLESCENTS Gutieva Irina Genrikhovna The retrospective analysis of the regulation of the penal legislation providing murder in the heat of passion Drozdova Elena Anatolievna Stupnitsky Alexander Ivanovich Foreign experience of prison construction Loseva Svetlana N. Social aspect of formation of the personnel reserve of the penitentiary system of the Republic of Belarus Loseva Svetlana Nikolaevna. POLITICal IMPLICATION OF IMPROVING LEGISLATION ON THE ENFORCEMENT OF PREVENTIVE MEASURES IN THE FORM OF DETENTION Pervozvansky Valeriy B. Loseva Svetlana N. The study of the individual and the microenvironment of convicted juveniles as a prerequisite for preventive activities in educational colonies Gnedova Natalya P. Performance indicators of readiness of cadets of the final courses of educational institutions of the FSIN of Russia for further service Aksenova Anna Vladimirovna INSTITUTE OF MENTORING IN THE PENAL ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM: SOCIAL AND LEGAL ASPECT Drozdova Elena Anatolievna Aksenova Anna Vladimirovna ON THE QUESTION OF CREATION OF PRIVATE PRISON IN RUSSIA Fedorova Ekaterina Mikhailovna. SOME ASPECTS OF THE PREVENTION OF RECIDIVISM IN PRISONS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES Fedorova Ekaterina Mikhailovna. Pervozvansky Valeriy B. THE DEFINITION OF THE PROHIBITION OF SOCIALLY DANGEROUS ACT AND THE PROBLEMS OF ITS IMPLEMENTATION IN A SPECIAL PART OF THE CRIMINAL CODE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Petrushenkov Alexandr N. International legal standards of counteraction to terrorism: problems and prospects of realization Albert Yu. Tutukov Akkaeva Halimat Alievna Counteraction to human trafficking: international and interstate aspects Aline R. Manukyan Akkaeva Halimat Alievna Some questions of a distinction of a robbery from adjacent corpora delicti Akkaeva Halimat Alievna Leila A. Gelyakhova Classification of Institutions of Criminal-Executive Law Golovastova Julia Aleksandrovna THE PROBLEMS OF RESOSCALIZATION THE PERSONS EXECUTED THE SENTENCE OF IMPRISONMENT Stepanov Maksim Vyacheslavovich ON WAYS OF IMPROVING THE MECHANISM FOR EARLY RELEASE OF CONVICTS SERVING LIFE IMPRISONMENT Ovchinnikov Sergey N. Fight against extremism and terrorism in conditions ethnoreligious conflicts Khazhirokov Valery Akhiedovich CHARACTERISTIC OF THE PERSONALITY OF THE CRIMINAL CRIME WITH THE USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE SPHERE OF ILLEGAL TRAFFICKING OF NARCOTIC DRUGS Kuashev Alim Aouesovich PECULIARITIES OF CRIMINAL LAW PROTECTION OF POLICE PERSONAL ACTIVITIES TO THE LEGISLATION OF THE COUNTRIES OF THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION Guschin Aleksadr Yurievich SEPARATE ASPECTS OF SOCIAL ADAPTATION OF YOUNG EMPLOYEES IN THE SERVICE IN THE INSTITUTIONS AND BODIES OF THE CRIMINAL EXECUTIVE SYSTEM Anfinogenov Vasily A. 9. Criminal procedure ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF CHECKING INDICATIONS AT THE SITE Novikova Ekaterina Anatolyevna Cherkasova Elena Anatolyevna Lakeeva Ekaterina Vitalievna Value of electronic devices information media in case of investigation of the road accidents Albert Yu. Tutukov COMPREHENSIVENESS, COMPLETENESS AND OBJECTIVITY OF THE CASE STUDY IN ALTERED BALANCE OF COMPETITION AND SEARCH BEGAN IN THE DOMESTIC CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Yuri V. Shelegov Features of a technique of investigation of contract murders Kangezov Marat R. Proof problems at a stage of initiation of legal proceedings Kangezov Marat R. On Procedural Status of The Person Against Whom a Request for Extradition Is Received for Criminal Prosecution or Execution of a Sentence Kuznetsov Peter Vladimirovich Interaction of divisions of criminal investigation Department, expert and criminalistic divisions with Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation at investigation of premeditated murders Kuliev Inal Borisovich EXTREMISM IN THE NORTH CAUCASUS: HISTORY, BACKGROUND Marzhokhof Murat Aliuasovich Ordokov Mirzabek Khautievich Concept, content and types of legal consequences of procedural decisions made by a prosecutor in the course of pre-trial proceedings Sindeev Andrey Yu. 10. International law; European Law Feature of a common European economic space and the powers of the EFTA and EEA authorities to ensure its functioning Mashkova Ekaterina Victorovna. The official translation of the ECHR judgments into national languages: the shadow of the Tower of Babel over the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Kniazev Yurii Vladimirovich 11. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities Маюрову Николаю Петровичу, доктору юридических наук, кандидату исторических наук, профессору, заслуженному юристу Российской Федерации, заведующему кафедрой государственного и административного права АНО ВО «Университет при Межпарламентской Ассамблее ЕврАзЭС» - 60 лет Glazev Sergey Yurevich Zhukov Igor Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev Nikolay V. Shilov Ivan Fedorovich Legal regulation of political rights, guarantees and restrictions of employees of internal bodies Mayurov Nikolay P. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZING PREVENTIVE WORK WITH MINORS IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Zaurbi L. Shkhagapsoev Mashekuasheva Margarita Khasanbievna ACTUAL ISSUES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING OF EMPLOYEES OF INSTITUTIONS OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Zalina K. Kochesokova Mashekuasheva Margarita Khasanbievna TOLERANCE EDUCATION AS A BASIS OF YOUTH ANTI-EXTREMIST OUTLOOK Kurashinova Anzhela Khafanovna ENSURING ROAD SAFETY IS A PRIORITY SPHERE OF PUBLIC PROSECUTOR'S ACTIVITY Oleg I. Lozinsky Some psychological features of the fire training of officers of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation Abazov Islam Sultanovich Specifics of the organization of teaching and educational process on physical training in the educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Kodzokov Aznaur Khasanovich MEASURES OF PERSONAL SECURITY AND TACTICAL AND PHYSICAL ACTIONS OF STAFF OF DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS IN EXTREME CONDITIONS Meshev Islam Khasanbievich 12. Forensics; Forensic expertise; Operational and search activities USE OF POSSIBILITIES OF FORENSIC-PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPERTISE AT INVESTIGATION OF GROUP CRIMES OF MINORS Kurmaeva Natalia Anatolievna 13. Information Law TO THE QUESTION OF CYBER CRIME IN RUSSIA AND THE WORLD Marina K. Kumysheva Leila A. Gelyakhova 14. Administrative law; Administrative process The book of Leviticus of the old Testament as a source of modern administrative law Dmitry V. Ivanov Integrative properties of the legal protection system for the legitimate interests of the Russian Federation in the border area Grigoriev Alexey Grigorievich The effectiveness of the system of grant support for scientific research Belyavskiy Oleg Victorovich 15. Civil procedure arbitration procedure The procedure of financial disputes settlement in Financial Dispute Resolution Center (FDRC) in Hong-Kong Ekaterina P. Rusakova Actual problems of contractual representation in the civil procedure of the Russian Federation Gayfutdinova Rozaliya Zakievna PROCEDURAL FEATURES OF PROOF OF THE GROUNDS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION FOR CORPORATE DISPUTES Bashilov Boris Igorevich 16. OTHER A REVIEW OF THE OFFICIAL OPPONENT ON DISSERTATION OF EFREMOVA MARINA ALEXANDROVNA «LEGAL PROTECTION OF INFORMATION INTERACTIONS», SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LEGAL SCIENCE IN THE SPECIALTY 12.00.08 - CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINOLOGY, CRIMINAL EXECUTIVE LAW Alexander P. Kuznetsov