Gaps in Russian Legislation

Issue №5 2017
Issue №5 2017
ISSN: 2072-3164 (print)       ISSN 2310-7049 (online) РИНЦ Pages: 1-214 Prev Next
1. Constitutional law; Constitutional judicial process; Municipal law SYSTEM OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Polovchenko Konstantin A. PARTICULARITIES OF ORGANIZATION OF STATE POWER IN THE SERBIAN PRINCIPALITY UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OF 1869 Polovchenko Konstantin A. FORMATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL JUSTICE INSTITUTE IN THE STATES OF FORMER SFRY Polovchenko Konstantin A. Powers of bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation in the sphere of international and foreign economic relations Logvinova Inna Vladimirovna LEGAL REGULATION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL PROCEEDINGS: THE FRAGMENTS OF EXPERIENCE OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES Khlebnikov Alexander Dmitrievich Kosolapova Natalia A. INFORMATION FUNCTION OF RUSSIAN PARLIAMENT Gavrishov Dmitriy Valentinovich Minasyan Anna Arturovna PERSONAL SAFETY OF MINORS AS THE CONSTITUTIONAL VALUE Vorontsova Madlena A. Public associations as subjects of constitutional law Starkin Nikita Yuryevich FUNCTIONS OF THE STATE: THE SEARCH CONCEPTUAL CERTAINTY Minasyan Anna Arturovna FEDERAL PROGRAMS LIKE THE LEGAL GUARANTEE OF SOCIOECONOMIC RIGHTS OF MAN AND CITIZEN Kornyushkina Alla Yurikovna 2. Theory and history of law and state; History of law and State teachings Debatable questions of legal regulation of contract system in the sphere of purchases Gavritsky Alexander Vasilievich Miroshnik Svetlana Valentinovna STRUCTURALLY-QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF PROCEDURAL-LEGAL STANDARDS Makogon Boris Valerievich STATE SUPERVISION IN THE FIELD OF PROTECTION OF CONSUMERS 'RIGHTS Dzhambulatov Serazhdin Isaevich 3. CIVIL LAW, INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LAW, HOUSING LAW, FAMILY LAW, CIVIL PROCEDURE, ARBITRATION PROCESS Insurance of deposits in India Artemieva Yuliya A. The legal nature and the ratio of internal and corporate relations in the legal entity Shilovskaya Anna L. Lenkovskaya Renata Romanovna Improvement of legal regulation of mechanisms for concluding contracts in network "Internet" Grabilin Maxim Evgenievich The hidden factors influencing the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in China Metkina Elizaveta Alexandrovna 4. Employment Law; Right to social security DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVEMENT OF LEGISLATION ON THE BUDGET CHILD BENEFIT Antonova Natalia Vladislavovna Some of the problems of legal regulation of human organs and tissues donation Orlov Konstantin O. Legislative problems of transfer of mandatory pension insurance on a voluntary format Yudina Ekaterina V. 5. Criminal; Criminal enforcement law THE SYSTEM OF LEGAL REGULATION OF COMBATING ORGANIZED CRIME: ITS STRUCTURE AND CONTENT Belotserkovsky Sergey Dmitrievich Issues of delimitation of riots with administrative offenses Borovikov Valery B. Borovikova Victoria V. Criminal Law Characterization of Human Trafficking in the Republic of Vietnam Belozerova I.I. Phan Thi Oanh The place of the criminal-executive law in the system of Russian law and its correlation with related branches of law Golovastova Julia Aleksandrovna The current state of law enforcement in the criminal legislation Pronina Maria Petorvna THE PROBLEMS OF CRIMINAL - LEGAL REGULATION OF CRIMES CONNECTED WITH SUICIDE Dzhantoukhanov Visadi Zaynalovich Dzhantoukhanova Milana Visadievna The distinction between the motive of religious hatred or enmity and the motive of national hatred or enmity Kiyatkina Irina Alexandrovna The involvement of a legal representative, teacher and defender during pre-trial proceedings on criminal cases against minors in the Russian Federation Saneev Stanislav Olegovich 6. Criminology ORGANIZED CRIME AS A SPECIFIC CRIMINAL PHENOMENON Belotserkovsky Sergey Dmitrievich TO THE QUESTION ABOUT THE UNDERSTANDING OF ORGANIZED CRIME Belotserkovsky Sergey Dmitrievich DECRIMINALIZATION OF BEATING: "FOR" AND "AGAINST" Zhilina Natalia Yurievna Savelieva Irina Vladimirovna Tereschenko Victoriya Igorevna ADDENDUM BEHAVIOR INCREASING THE PUBLIC RISK OF PERSONALITY: CRIMINOLOGICAL AND CRIMINAL-LEGAL ANALYSIS Rybak Alexei Zinovievich Chuprova Oksana Nikolaevna 7. Criminal procedure Activities of the legal representative of a minor at the stage of preliminary investigation in a criminal case Gazaryan Arkady Arsenovich 8. Forensics; Forensic expertise; Operational and search activities Mechanism of combating corruption in the non-state sector of the economy Potapov Ilya Nikolaevich 9. Judicial, prosecutorial, human rights and law enforcement activities Conscience and sense of Justice of the Russian judges as a guarantee of fair administration of criminal justice and combat corruption in modern Russia Ibragimov I.M. Ibragimova A.I. INTERACTION OF JUDICIAL POWER WITH EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY AND OTHER STATE ORGANS Ablayeva Elvira Bekbolatovna THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF INTERACTION OF JUDICIAL POWER OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN WITH LEGAL AUTHORITY Ablayeva Elvira Bekbolatovna Practice and problems of prosecutorial supervision criminal procedural activities the preliminary investigation Silkin Viacheslav P. Lodkin Alexander E. 10. International law; European Law PECULIARITIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL STATUS OF SUBJECTS OF THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL MONITORING IN EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION Alekseeva Marina V. Analysis of the authorities of the European Free Trade Association bodies established on the basis of the EFTA Convention relating to the formation of a common European economic area Mashkova Ekaterina Victorovna. 11. Financial law; Tax law; Budgetary law; Information Law; Administrative law; Administrative process ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL REGULATION OF THE ECONOMY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF ECONOMIC SANCTIONS Albert V. Pavlyuk Prevention of budget expenses’ growth due to court decisions based on lawsuits against the public bodies involved in fulfilling the state contracts Zembatov Marat R. THE FORMATION OF THE FUND THE SPECIALIZED SOFTWARE FOR THE REALIZATION OF THE PRAKTIKO-FOCUSED APPROACH TO TEACHING Vechernikova Dina Vasilievna Petukhov Andrey Yurievich Control of transfer pricing and tax monitoring as new types of tax audits Golosnaya Olga Gennadievna 12. OTHER Due diligence: problems of optimization and application of the legal framework Klyukovskaya Irina Nikolaevna Mayboroda Elvira Tagirovna Theoretical and historical problems of codification of law in Russia Emirsultanov Y.A. Theft of state budget funds as a threat to economic security of the Russian Federation Grigoreva Irina Valerievna To a question of the legal nature of contest of decisions, actions (inactivity) of public authorities, local governments, the public and municipal servants in arbitration legal proceedings Shamshura Andrey Valeryevich ANALYSIS OF CRIMINAL ACTS COMMITTED IN THE BANKING SECTOR WITH TH E USE OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES Beslan A. Tarchokov Burayeva Lyudmila A. COUNTERACTING EXTREMISM THE TERRITORIAL BODIES OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS Andemirkan B. Abazov