MainAuthors Akhmedov Mikail Nasreddin oglu aspirant. Mesto ucheby: Vladimirskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.G. i N.G. Stoletovyh. Podrazdelenie: kafedra ugolovno-pravovyh disciplin. Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs ARTICLES: ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL RESPONSES TO CRIME IN THE AREA OF ILLEGAL MIGRATION Business in Law — Issue №2 2015: 80-83 Illegal migration: the content and approaches to terminology Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №2 2015: 128-130 Characteristics of the personality of criminal, organizing and facilitating illegal migration Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №2 2015: 134-136 Illegal migration: the content and approaches to terminology Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №3 2015: 126-128