Irina A. Tarasova
Cand. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof., Associate Professor
Vladimir Kikot Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia , Moscow, Russian Federation
The role of the POLICE IN ensuring VETERINARY and EPIZOOTIC SURVEILLANCE in RUSSIA in the XVIII-th Century
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №5 2019: 27-31
The police and society of the Russian empire in the post-reform period
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №5 2020: 44-49
Development of the Quarantine Service of the Mia of the Russian Empire in the XIX - Beginning of the XX Centuries
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №6 2021: 23-28
Prospects and Benefits of Using Autonomous Vehicles
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №2 2022: 16-19
Measures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire to Combat Rinderpest in the Second Half of the XIX Century
Economic Problems and Legal Practice — Issue №2 2022: 26-29
The Role of Factory Inspection in the Regulation of Labor Relations in Russia at the Turn of the XIX-XX Centuries
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №6 2022: 22-28
Prospects for Legal Regulation of the Use of Delivery Robots
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №2 2023: 31-35
Analysis of the Hazards Associated with the Appearance of Robots Moving in Pedestrian Zones
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №1 2024: 20-26
Formation of the Concept of «Medical Police» in the Russian Empire
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №2 2024: 21-25
«Cholera Riot» in St. Petersburg in 1831 and the Police: Who Is to Blame?
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №3 2024: 25-30
Current Issues of Training Novice Drivers
Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №1 2025: 33-37