MainAuthors Spiridonov Alexander I. assistent kafedry ugolovnogo i ugolovno-ispolnitelnogo prava, kriminologii Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don ARTICLES: FEATURES OF CRIMINAL LEGAL PROTECTION OF ELECTORAL RIGHTS IN RUSSIA IN 1918-1936 Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №5 2017: 104-106 Criminal liability for obstruction to the exercise of electoral rights under the legislation of Russia and Belarus Sociopolitical Sciences — Issue №1 2018: 129-131 Criminal liability for obstruction to the exercise of electoral rights under the legislation of Russia and Belarus Gaps in Russian Legislation — Issue №3 2018: 360-362 CRIMINAL LIABILITY FOR OBSTRUCTION TO THE EXERCISE OF ELECTORAL RIGHTS UNDER THE PENAL CODE OF 1845 Economic Problems and Legal Practice — Issue №1 2019: 195-197