Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Small and Micro Enterprises: Application Recommendations for Improving Operational Efficiency
( Pp. 64-77)
More about authors
Ignatova Victoria A.
lecturer, Department of Industrial Programming; Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming, .
MIREA – Russian Technological University
Moscow, Russian Federation Kuzmin Gleb N. senior lecturer, Department of Industrial Programming; Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming; MIREA – Russian Technological University; Moscow, Russian Federation
MIREA – Russian Technological University
Moscow, Russian Federation Kuzmin Gleb N. senior lecturer, Department of Industrial Programming; Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming; MIREA – Russian Technological University; Moscow, Russian Federation
This article explores the potential application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to enhance the operational efficiency of small and micro-enterprises (SMEs) in Russia. The aim of the study is to generalize experience and develop recommendations. Considering the limited resources and specificity of SME activities, the authors examine the challenges faced by these enterprises, as well as the broader technological context. Utilizing computer technologies and data analysis, the authors extracted descriptions of SME representatives’ experiences from the russian professional social network TenChat. The extracted algorithmic themes were expertly transformed into directions for the application of AI technology and formed the basis for the development of practical recommendations. The study formulated conclusions on possible directions for the application of AI technologies, including marketing and customer service, automation and optimization of routine tasks, data analysis, and process optimization. The developed recommendations include strategic decisions, AI reactivity, team management, operational activity provisioning, and data management. The results of the study are of interest to entrepreneurs, SME managers, and researchers seeking to enhance business efficiency through AI technologies.
How to Cite:
Ignatova V.A., Kuzmin G.N. Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Small and Micro Enterprises: Application Recommendations for Improving Operational Efficiency. Computational Nanotechnology. 2024. Vol. 11. No. 5. Pp. 64–77. (In Rus.). DOI: 10.33693/2313-223X-2024-11-5-64-77. EDN: BSDLKF
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Mezentsev D.A. Применение искусственного интеллекта в управлении малым и средним бизнесом // Экономические и социально-гуманитарные исследования. 2023. № 3 (39). С. 102–107.
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small enterprise, artificial intelligence, augmentation, operational efficiency.
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