The Process of Justifying and Developing the Requirements for a Software System that Will Support the Organisation’s Activities
( Pp. 107-115)

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Lezhnina Yuliya A. Cand. Sci. (Eng.); associate professor, Department of Industrial Programming, Institute of Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming
MIREA – Russian Technological University
Moscow, Russian Federation Akhmedova Khamida G. Cand. Sci. (Eng.); associate professor, Department of Industrial Programming, Institute of Information Technologies; MIREA – Russian Technological University; Moscow, Russian Federation
Defining requirements is one of the most important stages of software system development. Mistakes made at this stage are very costly after the system is developed and implemented. Currently, despite the vast experience gained in the development of automated information systems, mobile applications and services in the computer industry, the problems associated with the development of requirements remain unresolved. The article emphasizes the need for a careful approach to substantiating and developing requirements at the initial stages of software system development, because no matter how well a software system is implemented, the requirements for which were initially incomplete, ambiguous or incorrect, the result of its work will greatly disappoint the user. It is also important to make sure that it is necessary to develop exactly the software that the customer is talking about, and that all participants have a common vision of the product. The features of the justification and development of requirements for a software system presented in the article relate to the automation of business processes of a particular organization. Different research theories and methodologies were used in the work. The business process described in the IDEF0 notation in the “as is” state made it possible to identify the main shortcomings of the existing technology for executing the organization’s business processes and present countermeasures to eliminate them in the “as it will be” state. The result of the work were specifications of requirements for the development of a mobile application. The research was conducted with the involvement of end users of the product. Constant interaction with the customer and end users allowed us to avoid problems related to the development of requirements. Analysis and design models were actively used at all stages of requirements development. The calculations carried out in the study showed that the developed requirements will allow achieving the set business goal of the customer’s company. The models presented in the article, certain requirements and implemented ideas can be used by business analysts and developers when developing their own software systems.
How to Cite:
Lezhnina Yu.A., Akhmedova Kh.G. The Process of Justifying and Developing the Requirements for a Software System that Will Support the Organisation’s Activities. Computational Nanotechnology. 2024. Vol. 11. No. 5. Pp. 107–115. (In Rus.). DOI: 10.33693/2313-223X-2024-11-5-107-115. EDN: COFLMX
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business goals, user requirements, functional requirements, requirements specifications, mobile application, analysis models.

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