( Pp. 131-136)

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Anoshchenkova Svetlana Vladislavovna Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate professor of the Criminal law, Criminalistics and Criminology Department
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
Saransk, Russian Federation
The task: the issues of such a fundamental order as the concept of the functions of law are of general social and criminal-political importance and arise in the turning points of the development of society, state and law. The definition of actual criminal-political goals is conditioned by an understanding of the nature of the functions of criminal law. This understanding pre-empts the setting of goals and objectives a priori that are not achievable through criminal law influence, which lie beyond the limits of criminally-legal functioning. Model: the methodology of research is composed of general scientific methods (dialectical, analysis, system-structural) and private-science methods (formal-logical, linguistic, modeling, concrete historical, formal-legal). The scope of the study: the problem of defining the concept of functions of law is of complex importance and is explored in philosophy, sociology, theory of state and law, as well as in all branches of law. In this publication, the very generic concept of the functions of criminal law was explored. In the future, it makes sense to conduct research in the direction of defining the system of criminal law functions, the relationship between the concept of «functions of law», the concepts of goals and objectives of criminal law, the mechanism of criminal law influence, the separation of individual criminal law functions and their elements. Social consequences: the study provides ways to address the issue of the normative formulation of the purpose, objectives and objectives of criminal law, corresponding to those functions that criminal law is able to perform regardless of the political, economic and social situation. Originality / Value: is the use of a systematic approach, developed in philosophy and sociology to characterize the system. Considering criminal law as a complex multi-level and structured system with a variety of internal and external links, it is possible to come to a conclusion and internal and external functions of criminal law. The original author's definition of the functions of criminal law is proposed, which can be used in criminal law documents to develop a doctrine on the functions of criminal law, their types and content.
How to Cite:
Anoshchenkova S.V., (2018), TO THE CONCEPT OF FUNCTIONS OF CRIMINAL LAW. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 131-136.
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