( Pp. 163-167)

More about authors
Bogdan Varvara V. doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor kafedry grazhdanskogo prava
the South-West state University, Kursk Urda Margarita N. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent kafedry ugolovnogo prava
the South-West state University, Kursk Zherelina Olga Nikolaevna Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra pravovyh osnov upravleniya.
The article discusses the issues of the international legal framework for combating illegal migration. The problems of combating illegal migration have an international dimension, so the formation of national legislation in this area should be based on international experience in combating this phenomenon, and on international legal acts, which are the basis for creating not only specific norms, but also national policies to combat illegal migration in General. In the course of the study the following methods were used: theoretical-work with literary sources; practical-observation, experiment; analytical-analysis of the collected information, drawing conclusions. Theoretical basis the study is based on the writings of: L. V. Andrichenko, L. N. Vasilyeva, E. A. Kirillova, A. V. Pavlyuk, etc. The article is devoted to the development of representatives of the legal doctrine of new approaches to the issues of international legal framework to combat illegal migration. The study concluded that international law lacks an integral system of norms conceptually set out in the text of one comprehensive and universal act designed to prevent illegal migration. The provisions on crime and the punishability of the acts concerned are separated in different instruments and are based on the need to either prevent illegal labour migration, or the fight against transnational organized crime, specializing in the smuggling of people (Protocol on the smuggling of migrants 2000.). Out-of-system approach, fragmentation and errors in the design of the relevant prohibitions will inevitably introduce not only to different understanding by national legislators of the formal and essential features of illegal migration, but also a set of necessary means to counter it. The results of scientific researches which have received fixing in article have shown that questions of the international legal basis of counteraction of illegal migration in the context of the migration legislation demand development, improvement and further research.
How to Cite:
Bogdan V.V., Urda M.N., Zherelina O.N., (2018), TO THE QUESTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL BASIS OF COUNTERACTION TO ILLEGAL MIGRATION. Sociopolitical Sciences, 5 => 163-167.
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