( Pp. 183-185)

More about authors
Dadova Zalina Ismelovna Cand.Sci.(Philology), Associate professor of the State, Civil and Law Disciplines Department
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
The article analyzes the ways of interaction between the state and civil society institutions in the fight against corruption. It considers the most pressing issues of interaction. The author also focuses on the relevance of teamwork and the importance of public control of this process. There is a need to strengthen the contact of the state and society in the fight against corruption, improving the mechanisms for its detection, as well as ways to prevent it. Emphasis is placed on enhancing the activities of civil society institutions in this process and their indifferent attitude to the facts of corruption.
How to Cite:
Dadova Z.I., (2019), CIVIL SOCIETY INSTITUTIONS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 183-185.
Reference list:
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