( Pp. 56-62)

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Shmeleva Nadezda V. kand. ist. nauk, docent kafedry francuzskogo yazyka
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The urgency of the immigration problem in Europe and, in particular, in France is obvious. The country's leaders are talking about the threat of erosion of national and European identity, immigration is associated with an increase in crime and a decrease in the level of security. «Communitarianism» is gradually spreading, immigrant communities become isolated according to ethno-religious principle, unable or unwilling to fit into the life of the receiving country, France, thus reacting to their social disadvantage. The situation can not but alarm representatives of various political views, who offer their own solutions to the pressing problems. The article analyzes the existing approaches to solving the immigration problem, but it’s difficult to determine the positions of the right and left forces precisely because they change, specific proposals made sometimes for electoral considerations do not always correspond to program statements. Both the left, traditionally speaking in defense of the rights of immigrants, and the right, offering a more stringent policy in this area, consider it necessary to vigorously act to correct the situation and ensure the safety of the French. Nevertheless, it is still possible to talk about a significant difference in the positions of left and right parties on the issue of immigration policy. It seems interesting to consider specific solutions to the problem, proposed not only by the mentioned forces, but also by supporters of a global approach to resolving the migration crisis in the context of globalization, who in the future see the possibility of creating a global center for managing migration flows in the interests of all stakeholders. Given the new challenges facing Western democracies, the need to respect republican values and human rights even with tough immigration policy, the country's leaders are faced with a really difficult problem of choosing the best way to resolve the situation.
How to Cite:
Shmeleva N.V., (2019), FRANCE: DIFFERENT WAYS TO SOLVE THE MIGRATION CRISIS. Sociopolitical Sciences, 1 => 56-62.
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