( Pp. 150-155)

More about authors
Shkarin Dmitry L. soiskatel
Chelyabinsk State University Shelestyuk Elena V. doktor filologicheskih nauk, professor kafedry teoreticheskogo i prikladnogo yazykoznaniya
Chelyabinsk State University
The article discusses the results of a socio-philosophical study of the meaning of the rhythmological concept in the context of the interaction of heterogeneous discourses. The authors track the historically variable alignment of forces in the interaction of the three discursive practices - science, religion and esotericism - and consistently correlate rhythmology with each of these contexts in the conditions of the current situation after the postmodern. In the course of consideration, the bases of self-determination of these discourses along the human-world-transcendence axis are identified and the boundaries of each of them are defined for the right to access certain regions of reality. According to the results of consideration, a meaningful matrix of the rhythmology value is formed within the boundaries of each discourse, and on its basis a definition of the rhythmological concept is derived. At the end, the analysis methodology is discussed within the framework of the concept of transversality and its importance is emphasized in the construction of a constructive dialogue of cultures.
How to Cite:
Shkarin D.L., Shelestyuk E.V., (2019), THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF RHYTHMOLOGY IN THE CULTURAL SPACE OF MODERN SOCIETY. Sociopolitical Sciences, 1 => 150-155.
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