( Pp. 140-142)

More about authors
Manukyan Aline Romanovna Police Colonel, Cand.Sci.(Pedagogics), Associate Professor of the Department of State and Civil Law Disciplines of the
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia Akkaeva Halimat Alievna Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Police Colonel, Head of the department of special technical disciplines, North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
This article analyzes the content of human trafficking as a crime of an international character. The author comes to the conclusion that currently human trafficking goes beyond individual states and regions and international legal mechanisms to counter the proliferation of this criminal offense take on special significance. On the basis of an analysis of the system of crimes of an international character that are currently distributed, it is noted that among all other crimes, trafficking in persons is the most economically beneficial for criminals, which motivates them to commit this illegal act.
How to Cite:
Manukyan A.R., Akkaeva H.A., (2019), TRAFFICKING IN PEOPLE IN THE SYSTEM OF CRIMES OF INTERNATIONAL NATURE. Sociopolitical Sciences, 2 => 140-142.
Reference list:
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