( Pp. 101-104)

More about authors
Plakhina Anastasia S. aspirant; generalnyy direktor
Kemerovo state University; Limited Liability Company «Legal Defense Center»
The purpose of the scientific article is to analyze, to give a legal assessment of the current legislation in the field of powers of local governments in the field of land relations. To assess the division of powers between the powers of public authorities, authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local authorities. To achieve this goal, the article evaluates the concept of the earth as an important element in the activities of mankind. The mechanisms of land management and identified the main factors affecting the management process. The powers of different levels of power in the sphere of land management have been established. The types and forms of payments for the use of land are disclosed, as well as the recipients of funds from the use of land plots depending on the category and forms of ownership. The order of calculation of the tax and the rent as forms of the payment for use of the earth in the territory of the Russian Federation is reflected. The changes of the current legislation in the division of powers on land management are analyzed. Problems in the sphere of implementation of powers on the order, management, control of use of the earth are revealed. The normative legal acts regulating the system of land resources management are analyzed. The conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of the current legislation in the topic and proposed ways to eliminate the identified shortcomings.
How to Cite:
Plakhina A.S., (2019), THE POWERS OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN THE SPHERE OF LAND RELATIONS. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 101-104.
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