( Pp. 250-257)

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Sindeev Andrey Yu. soiskatel uchenoy stepeni kandidata yuridicheskih nauk; pervyy zamestitel Basmannogo mezhrayonnogo prokurora g. Moskvy
Prosecutor’s Office of Moscow; Moscow Academy of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation
The article is dedicated to the problems of procedural decisions made by a prosecutor after receiving a criminal case when the preliminary investigation has been completed. Aims and Purposes. The main aims and purposes of writing this article are as follows: the analysis of the legal consequences of procedural decisions made by a prosecutor after receiving criminal cases when the preliminary investigation has been completed by investigators and inquirers; detailed consideration of each of the procedural decisions, the study of the legal grounds for the decision to return the criminal case for additional investigation and inquiry, as well as for the re-drafting of the criminal indictment and charging document; consideration of controversial issues arising when a prosecutor sends a criminal case to a higher prosecutor to decide on the approval of the indictment; investigation of the matters of appealing the mentioned procedural decisions of a prosecutor. Methodological grounds are made up by general scientific and unique methods, such as comparative legal and systemic structural ones. Conclusions. The study was conducted on the content of the legal consequences of the procedural decisions of prosecutors after the completion of the preliminary investigation by investigators and inquirers; the procedural decisions of a prosecutor at this stage have been considered in detail; the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to vest the prosecutor with the right to terminate criminal cases at the stage of admission of a criminal case after the completion of the investigation, also studied the legal basis for making a decision to return a criminal case for additional investigation and inquiry; According to the results of a comprehensive study, it was concluded that the prosecutor’s powers are inalienable. The possibility of subsequent use of these results. The study of the content of procedural decisions made by prosecutors after the completion of the preliminary investigation by investigators and interrogators makes it possible to study the indicated procedural decisions of prosecutors in their content and significance in the criminal process and their influence on the achievement of the purpose of criminal proceedings. The findings and proposals can be used to change the criminal procedure legislation and organizational and administrative documents of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the bodies conducting the preliminary investigation. Practical Importance. Interrogators, investigators, prosecutors, and judges will be able to use the results of work in current activities in making procedural decisions to improve their quality; university students will be able to study these procedural decisions, taking into account the conclusions of this article, to understand their legal nature. Value. The evaluation of the results of the conducted study in practice is subject to the achievement of the purpose of criminal proceedings.
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