( Pp. 46-48)

More about authors
Gayfutdinov Rinal I. aspirant kafedry politologii i politicheskoy filosofii
SC "ROSTEC"; the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
The article is devoted to the coverage of Russian-Turkish relations in the context of cooperation in the energy sector, in particular regarding the implementation of the TANAP strategic gas project by the Republic of Turkey, as well as the implications of its impact on the bilateral strategic partnership as a whole. The article analyzes in detail the energy strategy of the Republic of Turkey. The necessity of interaction between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Turkey as one of the most influential energy players is emphasized.
How to Cite:
Gayfutdinov R.I., (2018), TANAP AND RUSSIAN-TURKISH RELATIONS. Sociopolitical Sciences, 5 => 46-48.
Reference list:
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