( Pp. 133-136)

More about authors
Mosienko Vladimir P. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo processa
Rostov State Economic University Zakharov Andrey A.
Rostov State Economic University
In the present article problems of crime of minors and questions of its prevention are considered. As a result of the analysis of the current state of juvenile justice in the Russian Federation revealed that currently in the Russian Federation only develops legislation and law enforcement practice in the field of juvenile justice. A step-by-step solution of the identified problems is proposed, namely , the training of specialists in the field of juvenile justice, the implementation of the work of juvenile courts in the regions on the example of foreign experience, support from the state budget for the formation of specialized juvenile courts. In conclusion, attention is paid to the fact that in order to implement the ideas of juvenile justice in the criminal proceedings of Russia it is important to clearly establish the legal terminology and unambiguous establishment in the legislation of the concept of juvenile justice, the need to consolidate the foundations of juvenile justice at the legislative level and the delimitation of criminal.
How to Cite:
Mosienko V.P., Zakharov A.A., (2019), REALIZATION OF THE IDEAS OF JUVAL JUSTICE IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS OF RUSSIA. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 133-136.
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