( Pp. 76-82)

More about authors
Liudmila V. Kashirskaya
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Sitnov Alexey A. doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor Departamenta audita i korporativnoy otchetnosti
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Karabasheva Malvina R. associate professor of the Audit and Corporate Reporting Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Task. The article deals with the historical and structural aspects of the development of the global market of consulting services and its Russian segment. The assessment of the peculiarities of the formation of the consulting industry in Russia in the conditions of transition to a market economy and at the present stage, as well as the main directions of the consulting market development in the context of new global challenges. The problem is that the market of consulting services is relatively young but has already reached the phase of active growth. As a type of business consulting is a highly professional consulting services in a wide range of subject areas of economic, financial, legal and many other areas of modern business. The similarity of audit and consulting sometimes leads to the identification of these services and often "audit services" and "consulting services" are used as synonyms. Research of demand in the Russian market of consulting services has shown that a number of restraining factors significantly serve as obstacles to the decision of heads of organizations to invite external consultants. Model. The article studies modern approaches that allow to combine the possibilities of modern audit and consulting. Conclusions. It is concluded that the merger of these activities shows a synergistic effect. Practical importance. The practical significance of the article is that the conclusions and proposals aimed at strengthening the modern audit and consulting, contribute to the real optimization of modern business. Originality. The research conducted by authors revealed that the new reality changed the relation and need of customers to audit opportunities. Steadily demand for the consulting services offered by both auditor, and consulting firms grows. Development of IT strategy and feasibility studies are more and more demanded. To the forefront there are projects on modernization of IT infrastructure through introduction of mobile decisions, transfer of part of IT technologies to cloudy technologies.
How to Cite:
Liudmila V.K., Sitnov A.A., Karabasheva M.R., (2018), CURRENT STATE OF THE CONSULTING SERVICES MARKET IN RUSSIA. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 3 => 76-82.
Reference list:
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