( Pp. 137-141)
More about authors
Golovastova Julia Aleksandrovna
Dr.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Executive law of the ; Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Private Educational Institution of Higher Education ; Chief Researcher Enforcement System RSCI SPIN code 7040-1916
Academy of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia; «Moscow University named after S. Witte»; Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Ryazan, Russia; Ryazan, Russia; Moscow, Russia
Academy of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia; «Moscow University named after S. Witte»; Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Ryazan, Russia; Ryazan, Russia; Moscow, Russia
In the article the social relationships which are the structure of the subject of the criminal-executive law are examined. The author defines the scope of the branch of the criminal-executive law. In the research the issues of the social relationships forming the subject of the criminal-executive law are revealed. The statements aimed at the improvement of the theory of the criminal-executive law are suggested.
How to Cite:
Golovastova J.A., (2017), TO THE QUESTION OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE SUBJECT OF THE CRIMINAL-EXECUTIVE LAW. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 3 => 137-141.
Reference list:
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Ponyatie i vidy inykh mer ugolovno-pravovogo kharaktera: uchebnoe posobie / M.F. Kostyuk, A.N. Potapov, V.A. Posokhov, T.M. Kalinina. - M., 2011. S. 25.
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the subject of penal law, the structure of the subject of penal law, industry criminal-Executive law.
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