( Pp. 141-144)
More about authors
Ayrapetyan Asthik V.
Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»
Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»
Background: The purpose of this article is to consider the legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime as a complex ever-changing process that combines a variety of permissible features and means. The main methods of money laundering is the conclusion of legal transactions on terms and conditions not contradicting the civil legislation, and there are several reasons for enabling the laundering of illegal income is quite legitimate ways. Freedom of registration of the organization the opportunity of making deals on its own terms, the development of electronic payment systems are just some of the prerequisites for the development activities of laundering illicit proceeds. Results: First, considering ways of legalization of income gained in the criminal way it becomes clear that any of stages does not occur without commission of any civil action. Legalization of illegally gained income is a set of transactions with a variable subject of the transaction. It is possible to recognize the transactions made in the course of money-laundering on standards of the civil legislation invalid. It is necessary to agree with opinion O. N. Zamry that transactions on legalization (washing) of the criminal income on the nature are antisocial, contradicting bases of law and order and morality. Secondly, complexity of definition of the invalid transaction as offenses complicates process of use of civil responsibility concerning the natural persons and the organizations participating in criminal acts. Different types of financial and bank operations, such as a bank deposit, the loan agreement, the credit, money transfers in stocks and other securities are quite protected lawful actions in the form.
How to Cite:
Ayrapetyan A.V., (2017), CIVIL-LAW WAYS AND REASONS TO LEGALIZATION (LAUNDERING) OF CRIMINAL INCOMES. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 141-144.
Reference list:
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legalization of income, the laundering of the proceeds, methods of money laundering, civil-legal means of money laundering, the causes of money laundering.
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