Arbitration agreement as condition for dispute resolution in the form of arbitration
( Pp. 358-364)

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Sorokin Vladislav P. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo prava i processa
Educational Institution of the Trade Unions of Higher Education «Academy of Labor and Social Relations»
The aim of the article, as the result of investigation and analyses of judicial practice in Russian and foreign legislation, is to give formulated recommendations concerning improvement of the current legal proceedings in the form of arbitration tribunal (arbitral proceedings). In the article issues related to the conditions of resolution of a dispute in the form of arbitration tribunal (arbitral proceedings) and arbitration clause conclusion are investigated. The analysis of appropriate regulatory legal acts, judgements and court rulings let the author of the article deduce the necessity to improve legislation upon the terms of arbitral proceedings and work out recommendations aimed at solution of this task.
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Reference list:
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arbitral proceedings, arbitration agreement, arbitration clause.

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