China International Commercial Court (CICC): Innovation and Practice of Diversified Dispute Resolution Mechanism
( Pp. 230-239)

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Qiang Yue PhD, Associate Professor; deputy Head at the Research Center at the Legal Services Commission for the SCO (China); post-doctor at the East China University of Politics and Law; member at the Editorial Board of the journal “Socio-political Sciences”; member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Frontiers in Social Science Research”; deputy General Secretary at the Soviet Branch of the Shanghai Association of Foreign Scientists (SORSA). Shanghai, China. ORCID:; E-mail:
Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
Shanghai, China Han Min kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, magistr mezhdunarodnogo prava, Shanhayskogo politiko-yuridicheskogo universiteta
Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
Shanghai, China
The China International Commercial Court (CICC), as a permanent adjudication organ of the Supreme People's Court of China, has built an innovative diversified dispute resolution mechanism on the existing platform. Since its establishment, CICC has been operating steadily and is poised to become a global commercial dispute resolution platform. On this ground, this article suggests that the expert committee mechanism and the information technology application of the «one-stop» platform should be further improved, and the use of diversified dispute resolution should be emphasized to promote the ultimate realization of the results of dispute resolution within the CICC, and ultimately enhancing the credibility and influence of the CICC, so as to build strong brand recognition of the CICC under the momentous changes unseen in a century.
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Reference list:
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China International Commercial Court, diversified dispute resolution mechanism.

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