( Pp. 206-209)

More about authors
Alexey P. Popov
Pyatigorsk State University
Pyatigorsk, Russia Karaev Rasul Sharabudinovich kand. yurid. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: docent.
Russian University of Economics named after G.V.Plekhanov. Branch: Pyatigorsk branch
The article gives a detailed analysis of Russian state policy issues in the sphere of ensuring balance of private and public interests during creation of the healthy competition conditions in commodity markets. The subject of research is the regulatory framework governing the competitive relations in commodity markets. This theme was explored by R.W.Crandall, C. Winston, P.A. Samuelson, W.D. Nordhaus. The objective of research is development of theoretical concepts, approaches, offers in order to establish the necessary state participation limits in the economic relations. In the research of the competitive relations in commodity markets the authors applied the following methods: formal legal method, methods of interpretation of the right (functional, logical), legal analysis and forecast. Conclusions and value: it is established that the administrative restriction of the competition, that is the special type of offenses, needs legitimate fixing in a legislative system. Use of the theoretical recommendations will guarantee development of business activity depending on quality of goods, but not against informal communications of businessmen with public administration representatives.
How to Cite:
Alexey P.P., Karaev R.S., (2019), PUBLIC REGULATION ISSUES OF THE COMPETITIVE RELATIONS IN COMMODITY MARKETS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 206-209.
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