( Pp. 130-134)

More about authors
Andrianov Vladimir Konstantinovich Cand.Sci.(Law), senior researcher at the Center for justice research
Russian State University of Justice
Moscow, Russia
According to philosophy, the basis of the emergence, development, functioning and structural construction of any phenomenon lies in its objective patterns. The discovery of the relevant laws is the main task of any science, including legal. Since in patterns, the content of law is revealed in the most profound manner, the essence of law, the internal logic of legal reality are directly expressed in them. This article continues the cycle of publications on the problem of criminal law patterns by studying the foreign experience of studying of patterns of criminal law and compaire with the achievements of national science in this area.
How to Cite:
Andrianov V.K., (2019), FOREIGN AND RUSSIAN DOCTRINES SEARCH FOR CRIMINAL LAW PATTERNS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 130-134.
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