( Pp. 223-226)

More about authors
Rudnitskaya Tatyana V. soiskatel, kafedra ugolovnogo prava, specialnost: ugolovnoe pravo i kriminologiya; ugolovno-ispolnitelnoe pravo
Kazan Federal Institute
The urgency of considering the causes and conditions of bribery in modern Russia can be justified by the fact that, arguing about the reason, we ultimately reason about functional relationships, while establishing and justifying such relationships is practically impossible, and since this is a correlation, only admissible relationships, then the distinction between causes and conditions is possible only through the reconciliation of different opinions. The article substantiates the social danger of bribery of medical workers. The main features of corruption and prerequisites for the development of forms of bribery among employees of medical institutions are presented.
How to Cite:
Rudnitskaya T.V., (2019), THE CAUSES AND CONDITIONS OF BRIBERY IN MODERN RUSSIA. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 3 => 223-226.
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