( Pp. 131-134)

More about authors
Pasikova Tatyana A. kand. yurid. nauk, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo prava
Rostov state University of Economics (RINH) Shapovalova Yanina V. kafedra grazhdanskogo prava
Rostov state University of Economics (RINH) Yakovenko Galina A. kafedra grazhdanskogo prava
Rostov state University of Economics (RINH)
The article deals with several common problems that may arise in the acquisition of real estate (residential premises), burdened with the rights of persons under the age of majority. Risks of the parties of such transactions, first of all buyers are estimated. Proposed changes in legislation aimed at improving the guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of both minors and other parties to the transaction.
How to Cite:
Pasikova T.A., Shapovalova Y.V., Yakovenko G.A., (2018), THE QUESTION OF THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY BURDENED WITH RIGHTS OF MINORS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 131-134.
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