( Pp. 164-167)

More about authors
Bakhaev Lom-Ali Sh. nachalnik uchilischa
Grozny Suovorov Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
The reason for writing this article was the need for a criminal legal assessment of the mechanisms of protection against crimes in the field of illicit food trafficking. The aim of the article is a comprehensive assessment of legislative trends in the field of combating illicit trafficking in food. Food production and turnover is a priority strategic area of the economic security of the Russian Federation. Its importance increases with the introduction of sanctions against our country by foreign countries. Under conditions of import substitution, the threat of criminalization of food product trafficking is increasing, which is associated with an increase in the share of counterfeit, falsified and substandard food products in the domestic market. The article analyzes international regulatory acts and legislation of the Russian Federation regulating public relations to ensure the safety and proper quality of food products. The main articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation that form the system of criminal legal protection against crimes in the field of food circulation are highlighted. The process of their change and development is analyzed. Official statistics are provided to track trends in the prevalence of crimes in the field of illicit food trafficking, as well as reflecting the results of countering them. Social and economic factors contributing to the commission of these crimes are highlighted. The author concludes that the differentiation and tightening of criminal liability for actions related to the illicit trafficking of alcoholic beverages were timely and had a positive effect on producers, sellers and consumers of alcoholic beverages. Arguments are presented in favor of the validity of criminal liability for the sale of falsified and substandard dietary supplements. The article will be useful to specialists of state institutions providing protection from counterfeit, falsified and substandard food products, teachers and lawyers, as well as to subjects of criminal proceedings.
How to Cite:
Bakhaev L.S., (2019), FOOD TRAFFICKING CRIMES AS A THREAT TO ECONOMIC SECURITY. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 164-167.
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