Return and exchange of goods of the appropriate quality in the remote trading: problems of theory and practice
( Pp. 223-226)
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Shaydullina Venera Kamilevna
kand. yurid. nauk, docent Departamenta mezhdunarodnogo i publichnogo prava Yuridicheskogo fakulteta
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia
Task. The purpose of the study is to observe the will of the legislator and the judiciary regarding the return and exchange of goods of the appropriate quality in the remote trading. Model. This article considers the peculiarities of the remote selling of goods. The specifics of the exchange and return of goods of the appropriate quality purchased remotely have also been reviewed. The legislative process on the remote purchase and sale managing in terms of regulating the consumer's right to refuse the goods was analyzed. The legal positions of the courts were briefly reviewed on the issue regarding the realization of the right to refuse the goods by consumers in remote trading even if the goods are of appropriate quality. Conclusion. Considering the results of the study, it was determined that the return and exchange of goods in the remote trading are inherent to specific features due to the method of selling. Originality / significance. It has been suggested that the issue of changing this guarantee can be raised no earlier than the distance relations between a professional participant and consumers gain established practice, consumers’ risks decrease, the parties' integrity increase or technologies for more detailed product familiarization in distance trading are created.
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Reference list:
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the remote trading, the will of the legislator, the remote selling of goods, retail purchase and sale, the specifics of distance relations, the risk of the sale of goods by remote means consequences.