( Pp. 158-161)

More about authors
Bondar Anton Gennadievich Senior Lecturer at the Department of Law Enforcement Organization, police captain.
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia Cherkesov S. Kh. starshiy prepodavatel kafedry ognevoy podgotovki polkovnik policii
North Caucasus Advanced Training Institute (branch), Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Alim V. Korkmazov Cand.Sci. (Pedagogics), Police Lieutenant Colonel, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Law Enforcement Organization
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; Nalchik
; Russia.
The article highlights the problems of development and functioning of the business sector, subject to the steady expansion of social relations in the small business. An analysis is made of the situation that has been suppressed, which makes it possible to make excessive bureaucratic and financial costs that fall on the shoulders of newly minted entrepreneurs, as well as other small businesses. This article provides current sources that confirm the possible costs of purchasing goods and using various administrative tools necessary for the implementation of business activities. Based on the above, a number of conclusions and recommendations are given which, in the opinion of the authors, can make a significant contribution to improving the legal situation in the business sphere and relieve the excessive burden on all interested parties of such financial and economic activities.
How to Cite:
Bondar A.G., Cherkesov S.K., Alim V.K., (2019), PROBLEM ISSUES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 158-161.
Reference list: SupplierUid a3456a3c-b8ea-4357-9bd1-10e28b41ff67 ServiceCenterUid 7dfd63b1-7da7-4d10-95ba-0e6a2173cf3d utm source GoogleAdwords utm medium cpc utm campaign kontur-ca utm term D1 8D D1 86 D0 BF utm type g utm device c utm region 1011901 gclid Cj0KCQiA14TjBRD ARIsAOCmO9Yuy9LLBlIWXzkQpTjpC0uKEnoM7jWdPr-Uz1 qEAJYZedZDee4S6oaAhCVEALw wcB /790358-dlya-malogo-biznesa
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