Implementation of international legal standards in the Russian legislation on elections and referendums in the period of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
( Pp. 32-38)

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Aslanov Zamir Velibekovich advokat, aspirant.
Russian Academy of advocacy and notary service
Analysis of the appearance of the Russian legislation on elections and referendum polling international legal standards, comparing the provisions of the legislation and the actual procedure for the adoption of the Constitution of Russia, and the first elections to the State Duma is extremely important due to the fact that increasing the openness and transparency of the elections is not only important direction of development of democratic rule of law, but also demonstrate the willingness of its integration into the international community. During the formation of Russia as an independent legal state public attention to the conduct of elections and the international legal electoral standards was quite large, the consequence of which was the implementation in the Russian electoral legislation : in the Constitution - guarantees universal suffrage ( subject to two limitations, not inconsistent foreign and international legal practice ), at the level of federal legislation - guarantees periodic free elections by secret ballot. This can be attributed to the established system of the right to elect and be elected to important democratic reforms, which resulted in the recognition of holding international organizations high culture of elections in Russia. Conclusions arrived at by the author, are reduced to the fact that the mechanism for creating a new model of elections in Russia in 1993 did not fully comply with federal law, which was confirmed by the decision of the Constitutional Court. However, with the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, these problems have lost their relevance in the future Russian election procedures were developed on the basis of established normative acts of the President of the Russian Federation, is a mix of proportional and majoritarian electoral systems. During the formation of Russia as an independent legal state public attention to the conduct of elections and the international legal electoral standards was quite large, the consequence of which was the implementation in the Russian electoral legislation: in the Constitution - guarantees universal suffrage ( subject to two limitations, not inconsistent foreign and international legal practice ), at the level of federal legislation - guarantees periodic free elections by secret ballot. This article is intended for a wide range of experts, whose research interests associated with the right to vote.
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"elections", "referendum", "international legal standards", "voting".

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