The public discussion on regulatory impact assessment
( Pp. 127-132)
More about authors
Zenzinov Gleb Alekseevich
aspirant. Mesto ucheby: Omskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni F.M. Dostoevskogo. Podrazdelenie: kafedra teorii i istorii prava i gosudarstva. Dolzhnost: glavnyy specialist. Mesto raboty: Soyuz operatorov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta.
Omsk State University named after F.M.Dostoevsky; Union of railway operators market
Omsk State University named after F.M.Dostoevsky; Union of railway operators market
The article describes the public discussion of legally enforceable enactments drafts arrangements and particularities at the federal level. The task The timeliness of the topic based on changes in the process of regulatory development. In that case stakeholders (the subject to rules) had the opportunity to participate in the rulemaking processes and evaluate the costs and benefits of the regulatory. The methodology The field of research concerns the discussion draft (one of the regulatory impact assessment stages). The problems depicted in the article based on the author's participation in ongoing public discussions and the statistical treatment of regulatory legal enactment drafts published on The conclusion A good rule of thumb is to become effective the public discussion with stakeholders should be integrated into the lawmaking process at the beginning of the cycle. If the preparation of enactments drafts is actually completed and the conception accepts, the results of the analysis, stakeholder opinions is not significant for the craftsperson. In this turn the law-drafts based on public discussion opinion analysis are more transparent and objective. In that way, the public discussion process and the follow analysis of the costs, risks and benefits of regulatory action at the right stage help to increase the likelihood that in the process of law enforcement practice, the law making goals will be achieved without the imposition of unnecessary or unintended administrative restrictions for business. Practical importance The proposals on the development of the institute of public discussions are founded on, including the draft decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which will extend the influence of the regulatory impact assessment to the draft federal laws adopted by the State Duma in the second reading. It's planned to adopt this draft decree by the Government of the Russian Federation shortly. Social impact The public discussion institute has the direct relevance to society, because anyone can participate in such a discussion. In its turn the developer is obliged to consider all proposals to the draft regulations which were received within the established period of the public discussion and to make the summary of proposals indicating the information on their accounting or the reasons for the deviation. The originality of a research The article will be interesting for representatives of business entities and other economic activities directly involved in the public discussion of draft regulatory legal acts on
How to Cite:
Zenzinov G.A., (2017), THE PUBLIC DISCUSSION ON REGULATORY IMPACT ASSESSMENT. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 4 => 127-132.
Reference list:
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