( Pp. 230-234)
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Kolomoets Igor Ivanovich
Moscow University for the Humanities Stepanov Oleg Anatolevich d-r yurid. nauk, professor. Dolzhnost: glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow University for the Humanities Stepanov Oleg Anatolevich d-r yurid. nauk, professor. Dolzhnost: glavnyy nauchnyy sotrudnik
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Purposes and tasks. The purpose of the present article is consideration of an entity, legal regulation, a role and value of information and analytical activity of bodies of prosecutor's office in the Russian Federation in modern conditions and also identification of the spaces and problems existing in the field and the directions of their solution. Conclusions and results. As the main problem there is noted a lack of methodological unity and harmonization of the actions planned on federal, regional and other levels, adequacy of the choice, synchronization of use of the corresponding methodical tools for development, implementation, assessment of efficiency of information and analytical activity. There is proved the need of fixing at the legislative federal level of a concept and the procedure of implementation of information and analytical activity for the purpose of ensuring its unification in territorial subjects of the federation. Opportunities of ensuring openness of information and analytical activity on the basis of state automated system GAS PS are offered. The expediency of application of evolutionary approach in upgrade of information and analytical activity in modern conditions on the example of a number of the selected problems in territorial subjects of the federation is reasoned. Methodology. In the article there are used a general theoretical (the analysis and synthesis) method and specialized methods of a research, including system, evolutionary methods, the structural and problem analysis. Practical value. Results of a research can be used for improvement of processes of the organization, methodical ensuring information and analytical activity of bodies of prosecutor's office regarding specification of a terms framework, upgrade of bases of activity of interdepartmental groups and also unification of an order of preparation of different information and analytical sources. Originality and scientific novelty. Article is of methodical and practical interest to employees of bodies of prosecutor's office, including specialists in information and analytical area, the scientists and practicians who are engaged in development of a problem of improvement of information and analytical activity in the field of public prosecutor's supervision. The novelty of a research consists in justification of application of an evolutionary method of upgrade of information and analytical activity, use of capacity of territorial subjects of the federation for improvement of the studied processes, the sentence of a number of modern approaches and means of increase in efficiency of information and analytical activity (inversion, the expert analysis and consultations, technologies of business intelligence, etc.).
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Reference list:
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