( Pp. 131-133)

More about authors
Tengizova Jeanne Adalbievna kand. yurid. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: docent. Mesto raboty: Krasnodarskiy universitet MVD Rossii. Filial: Severo-Kavkazskiy institut povysheniya kvalifikacii. Podrazdelenie: kafedra organizacii pravoohranitelnoy deyatelnosti.
Krasnodar university of MIA Russia. Branch: North-Caucasus institute of Advanced training
In 2017, a criminal law establishing liability for animal abuse was amended. Despite this, the author notes that there are difficulties with the definition of cruel treatment of animals due to the absence in the legislation of standards for the proper treatment of animals. Unfortunately, the legislator has not established the rules governing the proper handling of animals. In this regard, as well as taking into account the growth of illegal actions in relation to animals, the author has attempted to analyze the composition of article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and to formulate proposals in this area.
How to Cite:
Tengizova J.A., (2019), TO THE QUESTION OF CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CRUELING ANIMALS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 131-133.
Reference list:
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