Paired and unpaired Legal Categories
( Pp. 16-21)

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Lesovaya Tatiana Sergeevna Dolzhnost: starshiy prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra teorii prava, gosudarstva i sudebnoy vlasti
Russian State University of Justice
The presented scientific article discusses the approaches contained in the general scientific literature regarding the relationship between "concepts" and "categories", as well as the classification of the latter. With this in mind, and based on the analysis of positions presented in the special legal literature, the concept of legal categories, as well as their types such as paired and unpaired, is studied. The conclusion is argued that in the system of legal sciences, it is possible to distinguish paired and unpaired legal categories. The first ones primarily express the relationships and interactions to varying degrees between legal phenomena and (or) processes, the second ones - isolation (separation) between legal phenomena and (or) processes. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that the presented classification requires further understanding both in general theoretical terms and on the example of individual legal categories.
How to Cite:
Lesovaya T.S., (2020), PAIRED AND UNPAIRED LEGAL CATEGORIES. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 16-21.
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categories, paired categories, types of categories, legal categories, paired legal categories, unpaired legal categories.

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