( Pp. 169-170)

More about authors
Kharzinova Violetta Mukhametdinovna kand. yurid. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: docent. Podrazdelenie: kafedra gosudarstvennyh i grazhdansko-pravovyh disciplin
Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North-Caucasian Advanced Training Institute
The article reveals the features of the prosecution function in criminal proceedings. The prosecution is related to the activities of the subjects of the criminal process by the prosecution and is aimed at identifying the perpetrator of the crime and bringing him to justice in accordance with the law. The prosecution is governed not only by procedural rules, but also by material ones. Therefore, the prosecution in the procedural literature is considered in the procedural sense and in the material sense. Each of these types of charges is independent, but they should be considered as a whole, since the charge in the material sense is the object of consideration in the procedural sense.
How to Cite:
Kharzinova V.M., (2019), THE CONCEPT OF THE PROSECUTION IN MATERIAL AND PROCEDURAL SENSE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 3 => 169-170.
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