( Pp. 42-48)

More about authors
Selivanova Evgeniya Sergeevna kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: docent. Podrazdelenie: kafedra grazhdanskogo prava
Southern Federal University
Purpose. Despite the fact that the Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the housing rights of citizens and the reasons for their occurrence, the scientific literature has not developed a consensus on what rights arising from housing relations regulated by housing legislation are housing rights, what is their legal nature and system. The choice of the form of legal support for housing rights of citizens, the role of state authorities and local self-government in their implementation, as well as mechanisms for distinguishing housing rights from the same legal rights to housing depend on the answers to the questions stated above. In connection with the foregoing, the aim of the study is to identify the characteristics of housing rights of citizens and their systematization. Method. When writing the article, formal logic methods were used - analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, and a systematic approach to the study of problems. Results. The article concludes that the housing rights of citizens constitute one of the elements of the housing legal personality of Russian citizens. The specialty of this group of rights that gives them a housing-legal nature and distinguishes them from property, corporate, organizational, administrative, and other relations that are homogeneous in legal nature is the orientation of the state’s will when they are regulated to achieve the goals of the state housing policy, as well as the implementation under legal regulation approach to housing, in the first place, as a social good. The paper proposes to systematize the housing rights of citizens by such a criterion as interest, for the implementation of which citizens enter into a housing relationship. Originality/value. The proposed systematization of housing rights of citizens will allow to determine the main areas of legal regulation of the respective housing relations by the norms of housing legislation, and can also be taken as a basis for the modernization of the structure of housing legislation of the Russian Federation.
How to Cite:
Selivanova E.S., (2019), ABOUT PARTICULAR QUALITIES AND SYSTEM OF RUSSIAN CITIZENS HOUSING RIGHTS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 42-48.
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