( Pp. 203-206)

More about authors
Albert V. Pavlyuk
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Russian Foreign Ministry
Moscow, Russian Federation Ryazantsev Alexander A. attashe Konsulskogo departamenta
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
The necessity of writing this article is conditioned by the active development of consular law, which, as part of international law, evolves directly under the influence of world political and economic processes. In the context of the creation of a new legal and contractual framework of the consular service, the study of a wealth of experience, which is due to the historical needs of international cooperation, plays a special role. The detailed analysis of international legal acts and Russian legislation makes it possible to understand how complex and diverse the functions of consular institutions in the field of protection of citizens' rights are.
How to Cite:
Albert V.P., Ryazantsev A.A., (2019), INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ACTS RELATED TO CONSULAR PROTECTION OF CITIZENS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 6 => 203-206.
Reference list:
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consular representation, protection of the rights of citizens, consular representation, consular law.

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