( Pp. 158-161)

More about authors
Antipov Dmitry Nikolaevich aspirant
Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs
The task of the research is to analyze the approaches to the classification of crimes against religious relations in the domestic criminal law doctrine. At all times of the existence of Russian statehood, there was an acute question about measures to protect religion and the relations that arise between people regarding its confession. Based on the current content of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, we turn to the consideration of crimes involving responsibility for acts against freedom of conscience and religion, as well as against other foundations of the secular organization of the state and the religious security of society. The location of the relevant standards in various sections and chapters of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation complicates the process of their theoretical perception, as well as practical implementation. This article discusses the problems associated with the peculiarities of systematization and classification of the norms of the current criminal legislation that place religious relations under protection. The research model is to conduct a systematic study of crimes that infringe on religious relations. The research methodology is presented by the historical-legal, comparative-legal method, and also by the method of system analysis of data obtained from various sources. The main conclusion of the study is the developed author's concept of classifying crimes that infringe on religious relations based on the content of the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The possibility of subsequent use of the results of scientific work may consist in expanding the field of scientific knowledge in this field. The practical significance of the findings and recommendations is that they will allow in the future to use a theoretical model for the classification of crimes encroaching on religious relations in lawmaking and law explanatory activities, in law enforcement practice, as well as in the educational process. The value of the study lies in the fact that it was carried out in a period of enhanced protection of relations in the field of human and civil rights and freedoms due to a multitude of interethnic, interreligious conflicts.
How to Cite:
Antipov D.N., (2018), CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMES ATTACKING RELIGIOUS RELATIONS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 7 => 158-161.
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