Rule of law principle: evolution of doctrines of legal understanding in national and international law
( Pp. 92-100)
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Umnova-Koniukhova Irina A.
Dr. Sci. (Law), Professor, Director of Constitutional Law Studies at the Сenter of Justice Research in the Russian State University of Justice
Сenter of Justice Research in the Russian State University of Justice
Moscow, Russian Federation Nikolaev Vladimir Alexandrovich aspirant kafedry konstitucionnogo prava imeni N.V.Vitruka Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta pravosudiya (g. Moskva). Konsultant otdela apparata Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Rossiyskoy Federacii.
Russian state university of justice
Moscow, Russia
Сenter of Justice Research in the Russian State University of Justice
Moscow, Russian Federation Nikolaev Vladimir Alexandrovich aspirant kafedry konstitucionnogo prava imeni N.V.Vitruka Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta pravosudiya (g. Moskva). Konsultant otdela apparata Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Rossiyskoy Federacii.
Russian state university of justice
Moscow, Russia
The principle of the rule of law is currently rather uncertain in the scientific and law enforcement spheres, which leads to an unjustified expansion of the rule of law criteria. The purpose of the study is to consider the evolution of the doctrines of legal understanding of the rule of law in the national constitutional and international law on the basis of comparative legal analysis of domestic constitutional and international legal practice. Objectives of the study: to analyze the narrow and broad understanding of the rule of law, to give a critical assessment of the unjustified expansion of the rule of law criteria, as well as to analyze the judicial practice of national and international justice on the example of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the ECHR. Conclusions: The authors proposes an approach to the definition of the rule of law through the doctrine of a narrow and broad understanding of this principle. Contradictory positions of the bodies of national constitutional and international justice on the example of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the ECHR are revealed. Originality/value: the article can be useful for scientists, jurists, judges, specialists and any specialist, which are interested in the problems of constitutional law.
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