Grounds for and procedure for early termination of powers of the head of the Russian state and foreign leaders: a comparative legal analysis
( Pp. 73-78)

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Loshkarev Igor Olegovich Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: Yuridicheskiy fakultet, kafedra gosudarstvenno-pravovyh disciplin.
Russian State Social University Kuchenin Evgeny Sergeevich kand. yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: Podrazdelenie: Yuridicheskiy fakultet, kafedra gosudarstvenno-pravovyh disciplin.
Russian State Social University
The article is devoted to a comparative legal analysis of the grounds and procedure for the early termination of the powers of the head of the Russian state and foreign leaders. During the study, both general scientific and private scientific methods of cognition were used. The general scientific methods used in the study include induction, deduction, synthesis, and system analysis. From the particular scientific methods of cognition, historical-legal, formal-legal, system-structural, analytical, comparative-legal methods were applied. The grounds for early termination of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation and the heads of such foreign states as the United States of America, the French Republic have been established. A comparative legal analysis of these grounds was conducted, differences in their content and legislative consolidation were revealed. The definition of the concept of "president". The procedure for early termination of powers of the heads of state was identified and analyzed, its features and similarities in terms of content and implementation were determined. It has been established that there are a lot of legal gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation on the early termination of the powers of the head of the Russian state. The absence of legislative consolidation of the procedure for establishing the legal fact of the persistent inability of the President of the Russian Federation for health reasons to exercise his authority and procedures for the resignation of the Russian leader is identified.
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