( Pp. 36-39)
More about authors
Netishinskaya Lyubov Fedorovna
kand. yurid. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: docent. Podrazdelenie: kafedra grazhdanskogo prava.
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin Olefir Yana Andreevna studentka. Podrazdelenie: yuridicheskiy fakultet.
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin Olefir Yana Andreevna studentka. Podrazdelenie: yuridicheskiy fakultet.
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
The article deals with the issues related to the participation of several persons on the side of the debtor in the obligation relationship with a plurality of persons, who remain obligated to the creditor until the obligation is fully fulfilled-solidarity obligations. Taking into account the fact that solidary obligation solidary obligation interest of the creditor as solidary obligation of debtors, he is entitled to bring a claim for all debtors or any of them individually, as a whole or in part of the debt, we consider it necessary to examine and analyze legislative provisions on solidary obligations that arise in the cases expressly provided by law. Analyzing legislative provisions on solidary obligations, we can conclude that joint and several liability more strict, than share responsibility among the obligations with plurality of persons and not by chance, the legislator has envisaged a provision stating that solidarity, are the duties of several debtors under an obligation connected with entrepreneurial activity.
How to Cite:
Netishinskaya L.F., Olefir Y.A., (2020), TO THE QUESTION OF LEGAL SPECIFICITY OF THE SOLIDAR OBLIGATIONS ESTABLISHED BY LAW. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 2 => 36-39.
Reference list:
Netishinskaya L.F., Kuemzhieva S.A. O nekotorykh voprosakh, svyazannykh s grazhdansko-pravovym rezhimom imushchestva krest yanskogo (fermerskogo) khozyaystva//Gumanitarnye, sotsial no-ekonomicheskie i obshchestvennye nauki. 2014. №2. S.202-205.
O khozyaystvennykh partnerstva: feder. zakon №380-FZ ot 03.12.2011//SZ RF. - 2011. - №49. - St. 7058
Ob investitsionnom tovarishchestve: feder. zakon №335-FZ ot 28.11.2011// SZ RF. - 2011. - №49. - St. 3
O khozyaystvennykh partnerstva: feder. zakon №380-FZ ot 03.12.2011//SZ RF. - 2011. - №49. - St. 7058
Ob investitsionnom tovarishchestve: feder. zakon №335-FZ ot 28.11.2011// SZ RF. - 2011. - №49. - St. 3
obligation with a plurality of persons, joint and several liability, joint and several obligations, joint and several debtors.