( Pp. 164-167)
More about authors
Kharzinova Violetta Mukhametdinovna
kand. yurid. nauk, docent. Dolzhnost: docent. Podrazdelenie: kafedra gosudarstvennyh i grazhdansko-pravovyh disciplin
Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North-Caucasian Advanced Training Institute
Krasnodar University of MIA Russia. Branch: North-Caucasian Advanced Training Institute
The purpose of this article is to consider ways of protection in criminal proceedings. The reason for writing the article was the lack of a Clear concept of means and methods of protection in criminal proceedings in the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation. In the procedural literature, these concepts have different meanings. In this regard, sometimes in the procedural literature consider the means and methods of protection as identical concepts. However, they are different in content. With this in mind, this article gives the concept of methods and means of protection, as well as lists what should be attributed to the methods of protection and what to the means. The article can be used in the investigation and consideration of criminal cases. The novelty of this work lies in the fact that it gives some features of the means and methods of protection and the order of their differentiation.
How to Cite:
Kharzinova V.M., (2019), WAYS OF PROTECTION OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS PARTICIPANTS. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 5 => 164-167.
Reference list:
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