Problems of combating corruption crime of the proper elite
( Pp. 116-121)

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Gadzhieva Aisha Ansarovna Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and State Legal Disciplines, (SAEI HE DSUNE)
Dagestan State University of National Economy
Makhachkala, Russian Federation
In this paper, we study the specifics and problems of combating corruption crimes of the official elite. The high degree of its public danger is noted, primarily due to the scale of harm caused as a result of "elite corruption". The author also attempts to establish a picture of the registered corruption crime of the official elite. At the same time, it is indicated that information about this type of corruption is closed, hidden behind the general indicators of all corruption crime. In this connection, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to change the criteria laid down in statistical reporting and allocate a separate column in the section "Characteristics of the criminal's personality", in which it is necessary to keep records of crimes committed by the official elite. Based on the information available in the reports and mass media, the paper provides an approximate picture of the corruption crime of the official elite, its trends are noted, and indicates a qualitative leap in recent years both in the whole of the Russian Federation and in the region - the Republic of Dagestan. The author summarizes that the counteraction of corruption crime of the proper elite is possible, first of all, by tightening their responsibilities. To this end, the study formulated a number of proposals and amendments to the criminal legislation of Russia. Goal. To study one of the most dangerous types of corruption crime, to assess its current state, to reveal the specifics of the spheres of its manifestation and to suggest ways to improve the fight against "elite" corruption crime. The following methods and methods of scientific cognition were used in the research: statistical, content analysis of press materials, sociological, comparative, formal-legal, logical methods (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, etc.) Scope of the results. The results obtained by the author can be applied in law-making activities aimed at further improving criminal responsibility and punishment, and it is also possible to use them in the practice of combating corruption crime. Certain provisions can be taken into account in the development of program documents on combating corruption and corruption crime. The results of the study are also of interest for scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher education institutions when teaching disciplines of the criminal law cycle.
How to Cite:
Gadzhieva A.A., (2020), PROBLEMS OF COMBATING CORRUPTION CRIME OF THE PROPER ELITE. Gaps in Russian Legislation, 7 => 116-121.
Reference list:
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elite corruption, a person holding a state position, types of crimes of the corrupt elite, tendencies of elite corruption, counteraction to corruption crimes.

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